You Are Sacred
You are a Multi-dimensional Being
You are eternal You are a living prayer You have unfathomable depth & vastness Your Soul has Its own strategy You are living your own adventure Your intuitive gifts are real Your Soul's plan has been recorded in the intelligence of your subtle bodies Your mission is individual as well as collective May the Blessings Be, Shama |
Being Taught from WithinI believe Intuition is our most valuable resource. The sooner we develop a "best friend" relationship with our Intuition, we can start living a life of purpose, direction, and fulfillment.
It takes time to understand how our Intuition works, how It communicates to us and through us. It takes practice to learn how to listen so we correctly identify what our Intuition is illuminating for us. It can also be easy to confuse our Ego (survival and validator) with our Intuition (Inner Master). Both voices are powerful and have much to teach us, but only one comes from the higher vibrations of Trust and Divine Love. |
What are you Devoted to? de·vo·tion
/dəˈvōSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun
To put it simply - Devotion is a powerful expression of
Intention and Love. Activating this energy nourishes, teaches, and loosens the ropes of illusion that have bound up our divinity in any area of our lives. Devotion takes presence and practice. It is a choice. It is a responsibility. The gifts of devotion are many; among them are liberation, self-respect, and self-mastery. Here are a few questions to contemplate upon: ♦ To what or whom are you regularly giving your attention and action to (where is your good energy going)? Has this proven to be a good investment? ♦ To what extent does your daily reality reflect your loving and intentional focus? Or does your current reality reflect an accumulation of decisions made from a place of fear, lack, guilt, or doubt? ♦ Who do you want to become? Which of your current actions and beliefs are moving you toward your divine transformation? |
Bring the Divine Idea to LifeThe truth is, you already have the talents and gifts within you. Perhaps they may have awakened for you at an earlier time and were shut down, or they weren't nurtured into fullness. This may be why you're here, you're divine gifts may be emerging and unfolding within you now.
Whatever is true for you, having a grounded spiritual foundation is crucial at this moment. Humankind has access to unlimited "information", vast amounts of spiritual energy, and more powerful personalities than ever before, all of which can be confusing. Creating a regular practice and making appointments with your Inner Teachers, aligns you with Spirit and your Divine Guidance. Establishing a spiritual foundation from the depths of your Soul's knowing will help you distinguish which truths belong to you and which come from the worlds outside of you. |